Wouldn't it be ideal if all your users were thoroughly familiar with the relevant applications? In the way which the process in which they work requires? And the administrators would be able to offer further help in each and every situation? We provide customized training concepts for your users and administrators. And, if you want, we can even organize and implement the training courses for you!
When discussing plans to develop and introduce an application, the question often arises as to whether the users need to be trained or not. If you want the system to really be accepted there is only one answer to this question: yes. Unfortunately, there is often a tendency to try and save money on training.
When schooling, though, spotlights what is really of essence for the specific user group, focusing on exactly what the users need for their purpose, much more can be achieved than saved through such training measures.
In particular for process monitoring systems, differentiated user profiles can easily be determined and the corresponding training measures worked out in detail so that they are closely attuned to the concrete needs of specific user groups.
We can work out in detail different training concepts for you and your user groups. Naturally, we would be glad to organize and implement such training measures for you or provide support if you choose to take over the training yourself.
Successful training measures, however, also require suitable documentation. We can also offer your our help in this regard.